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ZIC® - Zygomatic Implants Clinic®
The new frontier of implant osseointegration


A team with 30 years of experience

Dr. Massimo Cianci

Scientific Manager

Dr Massimo Cianci, having completed his studies at Zucchi di Monza high school, enrolled in 1982 in Surgical Medicine and Dentistry at Milan University, completing his degree course with full marks and honours.
At the same university he specialised in Cardiology, once again obtaining full marks and honours, perfecting in the following university courses:

  • Academic year 1997/98: Milan University, specialisation course in Oral Prosthesis Implants at San Raffaele Hospital (Prof. R.Ciancaglini)
  • Academic year 1998/99: Milan University specialisation course in the Rehabilitation Techniques of Mandibular Dysfunction in the skull and neck and therapy of related diseases at the Policlinic Hospital (Prof. F. Santoro and G. Zampetti).
  • Academic year 1999/2000: Milan University, specialisation course in Periodontal Surgery Techniques at San Paolo Hospital ( Prof. R. Weinstein)
In 2008 He participated in the Nobel Biocare world tour with the following work: “Rehabilitation with the All-on-4 technique in severe atrophic jaw”. In November 2009 He attended a Course on the use of zygomatic implants directed by Dr. Paolo Malò. In May 2010 He attended an advanced course of implant surgery on zygomatic implants held by Prof. Chantal Malevez. In February 2011 he attended the XIX international SIO congress with the following work: “Maximum Efficiency Implant Methodology (M.E.I.M): Application of the Bedaux method to the All-on-4 technique. In January 2012 He participated in the XX international SIO congress with the following work: “Maximum Efficiency Implant Methodology (M.E.I.M): Relevance of Bedaux method for the immediate loading in implant dentistry in case of severe bone atrophy”.

In March 2015 He participated as relatore at the 14th Bahar Semposyum in Cyprus with the following presentation: “Tilted implants and immediate loading”. In June 2015 He organised at I.I.T.S the theoretical and practical course with live surgery “K1 Implant System: Immediate Loading of Dental Implants” with the participation of dentists from Turkey. In June 2015 He attended the conference organised in Torino by Prof. U. Tesi on “Guided Implantology: From 3D Radiology to the prosthesis on implants” with the following talk: “Immediate implant loading: tilted and straight implants”.

Since January 2015 He has been the Scientific Manager of the “International Implant Training School” which is dedicated to teaching implant surgery to Italian and foreign dentists at all levels.

In september 2016 Dr. Cianci enrolled in Aesthetic Medicine at Milan Agorà-Amiest School completing his degree course with full marks and honours (Prof.Alberto Massirone).

In october 2016 Dr. Cianci participated as relatore at the conference arranged by MIS Implant Italy with the title :"V3 Implant a New Concept".

In november 2016 He attended an advanced Nobel Biocare course of implant surgery on zygomatic implants held by Prof.Chantal Malevez and Dr.Ruben Davò in Alicante Spain : "Branemark System Zygoma implants for the extremely resorbed maxilla: hands-on course with cadaver" .

Dott. Paolo Tassi

Doctor Paolo Tassi graduated in Medicine and Surgery at Milan University in 1994, specialising in Anaesthetics and Reanimation. At the “International Implant Dental School” He is head of didactics concerning anaesthesiology in oral and implant surgery.

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